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Old 22-Jan-2010, 1:01 AM   #1
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DIY DX'r looking for appropriate antenna(s)

Was recommended to this forum, as here is the link page to my TV Signal Analysis Results at Results. Am looking for an antenna that can handle channels 3 and 11, as well as channels 14 through 51. Realize such a broad banded antenna with associated high gain is impossible, so am willing to settle on two different antenna designs, as one for VHF and the other UHF.

Keep on noticing present manufactures are still making UHF antennas for channels 14 to 69...does anyone know of a manufacturer or of a DIY design for UHF channels 14 through 51, exclusively? Likewise, would like to build a VHF antenna that is 'tuned' for just channels 3 and 11, which I know is somewhat unique, as these two channels are in the Low then High range of VHF, respectively.

Thank you for your wisdom and input.
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Old 22-Jan-2010, 3:56 AM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 632
Originally Posted by Dragon-Eater View Post
Am looking for an antenna that can handle channels 3 and 11, as well as channels 14 through 51. Realize such a broad banded antenna with associated high gain is impossible, so am willing to settle on two different antenna designs, as one for VHF and the other UHF.
For a single antenna option, the Winegard 8200U is pretty good. It's big, but it works.

You might get a little bit better performance out of separate VHF and UHF antennas. For UHF only, there's the Antennas Direct 91XG or the DIY Gray-Hoverman designs. For VHF only, the antenna to get used to be the Wade-Delhi VIP-307, but these are hard to find now. There aren't too many high gain VHF antennas any more that can beat an 8200U.

Keep on noticing present manufactures are still making UHF antennas for channels 14 to 69...does anyone know of a manufacturer or of a DIY design for UHF channels 14 through 51, exclusively?
Yes, the updated Gray-Hoverman DIY antennas try to achieve just that. There are designs for both single and dual bay configurations. The starting point for most of the information is available at

Likewise, would like to build a VHF antenna that is 'tuned' for just channels 3 and 11, which I know is somewhat unique, as these two channels are in the Low then High range of VHF, respectively.
If you mean two separate antennas (one per channel), then there are all kinds of specs for Yagi element spacing recommendations.

If you mean a single antenna that is optimized for these two channels simultaneously, I think you'll have a hard time finding a canned solution. This may end up requiring something like selective optimization via antenna modeling software.

Just so you know, the channels in your tvfool report are that that hard to get. There's no need to resort to any DX techniques or specialized antenna setups to get channels down into the "red" zone on the list. All of these channels should be reachable using mainstream commercial antennas.

An 8200U on a rotator and no amp (the strong signals would overload most amps) should do the job nicely.
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