This is a Tuff reception situation that calls for Tuff Measures.
The tvfool report for 45 feet antenna height.
For reception of.
KSPR-DT REAL UHF Digital channel 19 , virtual number (x) , ABC and CW.
KYTV REAL UHF Digital channel 44 , virtual number (3.1) NBC.
KOLR REAL VHF Digital channel 10 , virtual number (10.1) , CBS.
Install a Winegard HD7698P antenna aimed at the group of Tv stations.
Aim the HD7698P antenna at about 311 degree magnetic compass direction.
Here is how to aim antennas ,
A Ultra Low Noise amplifier with high gain is required to get all of the possible signal for reliable reception.
Install a , KT-200-COAX TV Antenna Booster Remote Power-Coax Fed.
The remote power amplifier allows the flexibility of installing the amplifier outside or inside.
For one Tv connected use No splitter.
For 2 Tv's connected use a , HFS-2D , 2 way splitter.
Buy the HFS splitter at , , or ,
Here are places to buy antennas and etc. .
The reception of the next 2 Tv stations is more Tuff.
This recommendation may not get reliable reception of both Tv stations at the same time.
I am doing my best get reception of the receivable Digital Tv stations channels with least amount of antennas and hassle.
For reception of.
K07XL-D REAL VHF Digital channel 07 , virtual number (07.1-2-3-4) , RTV (Retro Tv Network) , Antenna Tv , This Tv , MeTv.
KEMV REAL VHF Digital channel 13 , virtual number (6.1) PBS.
Install a Separate second antenna system.
Install a Antenna Craft Y5713 VHF High Band antenna , aimed at about 245 degree magnetic compass direction.
(((Aiming the Y5713 Vhf high band channels 7 thru 13 antenna at about 245 degree magnetic compass direction is a - in between - aim direction to receive K07XL and KEMV at the same time with one antenna.)))
-->As always , the starting antenna aim direction is the --> starting antenna aim direction.
The aim direction can be adjusted for best reception.
Most Digital Tv's have a signal strength meter and some Digital Tv's also have a signal quality meter.
Use a second amplifier that is the same as the first antenna system.
And use a HFS splitter that is the same as the first antenna system.
This is the best I can come up with without using more then 2 antennas or using 1 HD7698P antenna and a antenna rotator.
The HD7698P antenna system and the Y5713 antenna system are completely Separate antenna systems.
The 2 Separate antenna systems are not connected on to one coax.
The 2 Separate antenna systems have separate , antennas , separate amplifiers , separate splitters , separate coax all the way to the Tv/s location/s.
At each Tv location/s a Remote control A/B antenna switch is used to change antennas systems. #32-4425.
Remote control A/B antenna switching is Channel Surfing Friendly , Press the button on the hand held remote control , Change Antennas And Keep On Channel Surfing.