Tivo's are Known to have on going tuner issues.
Tivo tuners do not cope well with less then perfect digital broadcast tv signals.
---->ALL digital broadcast tv signals are less then perfect.<----
As a Test of reception.
Connect the antenna directly to a Digital Tv , bypass the tivo Completely.
Attics Are Not a reception friendly environment and Never Will Be a reception friendly environment.
Multi-path/reflections , absorbing , blocking , Tv reception.
Also the Houston area has many - moving multi-path issues due the airplane flight paths.
The airplanes are metal , The Tv transmissions bounce off the metal and are reflected at all manner of angles to your receiving antenna.
This moving multi-path is not good for reliable reception.
Digital Tv Tuners can compensate for and correct multi-path to certain point and then the digital tuner is overloaded , the tuner tries to lock on , loses the lock , the signal strength and quality readings , jump up and down up and down , resulting in pixelation and the screen goes blank.
Try relocating and aiming directions the antenna in the attic.
The signal strengths are plenty strong at your location.
Do not use any type or kind of preamplifier or distribution amplifier or any other type or kind of antenna system amplifier.
A amplifier will amplify the problems and make the reception worse.
Also try locating the antenna above the roof in such a manner that the roof and house are not blocking reception to the , south and east and north west.
First try aiming the antenna at the south group of Tv stations at 186 degree magnetic compass direction.
Try aiming the antenna at a in between aim direction of the south group and east group of Tv stations at about 136 in between degree magnetic compass direction.
Here is how to aim antennas ,
As always , the starting antenna aim direction is the --> starting antenna aim direction.
The aim direction can be adjusted for best reception.
Most Digital Tv's have a signal strength meter and some Digital Tv's have also have a signal quality meter.
If the Tv has a signal quality meter , locate and adjust the antenna for best signal quality.