I was going to mount my 12 foot tv antenna mast on the ridge of the middle of my roof for aesthetics and for ease of mounting. If I run the wires through roof into/near an unused “stove” vent and into the attic it is almost a straight drop into the room with the tv. After doing some research it seems this is not a good way to install mainly due to the lack of a grounding source for the coax & mast.
I considered a grounding rod but that would probably require running 50 feet or more of wire due to the fact my house is entirely surrounded by pavement.
Please correct me if I’m wrong but the alternative would be to connect with the circuit box ground. Right? Problem is that box is also some distance away and would require 30 plus feet of wire. I’ll do this if it’s acceptable. Unless anybody have any ideas for me besides relocating.
And yes, I have read several install guides already posted- seems like they’re always written for the “ideal” scenario! I already know I could gable mount or something and my antenna would be code, but my house would look like &*#@! I’m trying to find a real solution please!!!
Thanks !