The Current Tv channels that are being Transmitted and Received in , USA , Canada , Mexico , are.
VHF low band channels 2 thru 6.
VHF high band channels 7 thru 13.
UHF band channels 14 thru 51.
Your reception location has channels in the , VHF high band and UHF band.
Preamps such as and not limited to the RCA TVPRAMP1R preamp has 2 inputs.
When operated in the Separate antenna mode.
1 input is for the UHF channels.
The other input is for the VHF channels.
When operated in the Combined mode.
A Combined UHF/VHF antenna can be connected.
The Canada Tv stations are Strong Signal Strength and easy to receive.
The USA Tv stations , WNLO , WNED , WUTV , are easy to receive.
The USA Tv stations , WNYB , WIVB , WKBW , WGRZ , are Very Weak Signal Strength and will most likely not be received reliably with a ANT751 antenna.
For reception of the Canada Tv stations and , WNLO , WNED , WUTV , I Strongly Recommend install only 1 ANT751 antenna Above the Peak of the Roof in sucha a manner that reception is not , obstructed , impeded , blocked , by the roof and building in the directions of , South East , South , South West , West North West , North.
Aim the ANT751 antenna at about , 160 degree magnetic compass direction.
Here is how to aim antennas ,
Use a Real and Actual magnetic compass to aim antenna , do not trust a cell phone compass.
The Canada Tv stations will be received through/at the back angles of the ANT751 antenna when the front of the ANT751 is aimed at the USA Tv stations.
No antenna rotation is required.
A second antenna is not required.
The RCA preamp will most likely not be required for reception of the USA Tv stations WNLO , WNED , WUTV , and the Canada Tv stations are easy to receive.
If you put the ANT751 antenna in the attic , the USA Tv stations , WNLO , WNED , WUTV , will most likely become if'y.
If you will like to reach out for the Weak Signal Strength , USA Tv stations , WNYB , WIVB , WKBW , WGRZ.
A Big Antenna Above The Peak Of The Roof Will Be Required.
And the RCA preamp will be required.
Will you like to reach out for the Very Weak Signal Strength USA Tv stations??
Here are some places to buy antennas and etc. in Canada.