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Install Only 1 Antenna.
Your choice , ANT751 or Winegard HD7694P antenna aimed , South.
I favor the ANT751 antenna.
And Yes the HD7694P will work also.
Here is how to aim antennas ,
Use a Real and Actual magnetic compass to aim antenna.
A antenna system amplifier will most likely not be required.
If at some point in the future your evaluation is a amplifier might help with some weaker signals.
You can Test reception with a Winegard , LNA-100 'Boost' amplifier , installed/connected Before any splitter.
Install the ANT751 antenna Above The Roof in such a manner that the roof and house are not impeding and blocking reception to the , South and North.
Instal the ANT751 UP HIGH in the air is the best practice.
As always , trees and tree leaves , plants and plant leaves , have a Negative effect on broadcast Tv reception and so do buildings and other obstructions including your own roof and house.
The Best Pratice is to install the ANT751 at a location that has the least amount to no amount of obstructions of any type or kind in the directions of reception including your own roof and house.
Here are some places to buy antennas and etc. .
Home Depot and Lowes will sometimes have the ANT751 in stock in the the store , no mater what the Home Depot and Lowes web sites say.