Well, how's your reception?
Hey!, did you give any more consideration to taking the reflector off of your 4228HD?
Going higher with the antenna isn't always the answer but it is a possibility. Just for your purposes I would recommend no more than 10 feet of mast if you have a 3 foot tripod. You could definitely go crazy with guy wires like I did but now you're punching extra holes in the roof. But it is a viable option.
I also recommend using 1 3/8" galvanized chain link fence top rail. Specify the thicker SS-20. It's 10 times better than the antenna Mast that they sell commercially. For an extra strong mast you can stuff 1 inch water pipe inside of the inch and 3/8 pipe. That really stiff and sit up but it does make it heavy.
Channel Master makes a rotator but it's not real heavy duty to be honest I've gone through two of them with my heavy mast & double antenna system. Your system might not be too much for a Channel Master rotator.
Last edited by bobsgarage; 2-Apr-2019 at 9:55 PM.