I am very pleased to announce that this antenna project has been a success! Mistakes were made, four letter words were used, but in the end, it works. I had to change a few things in the design. The Changpauk calculator for the folded dipole is too short. I lengthened it to 66 inches and lengthened the reflector to a little over 69 inches. Everything else stayed the same as far as spacing and director lengths are concerned. I have a good, reliable signal with the exception of a line of pixelation that occurs every so often on the screen which I'm assuming is interference of some kind, but it doesn't cause the picture to freeze or anything. It's just there. I used 1/2" UV resistant PVC for the boom and soft copper tubing for the elements, which I nearly destroyed and had to disassemble in order to get it out of my basement. Lesson learned. Don't build an 8'x6' antenna in the basement and expect to get it out of a 5'x3' door easily.