Thanks for giving me access to this forum!
As many of you guys have done, I have cut the cord as well.
We have subscribed to Sling and have Amazon Prime, but I still miss local channels.
I hope I will be able to receive a good signal from the whole group of towers at 329, 330 and 331 degrees. I believe they all are UHF except for NBC which I also would like to get even though I don't really want two antennas.
I'm in a typical Florida residential area with my house surrounded by tall pine trees on neighbor lots and mostly 1 story buildings in the area. Main part of the distance between me and the towers is flat swamp land.
I would prefer to have the antenna in the attic, but I will hang it outside if needed.
I have spent a lot of time reading and looking at antennas, but there are so many out there so it can be quite confusing with all the info and reviews.
There is a few antennas I have noticed keep popping up:
Stellar Labs 30-2430 (looks like a lot of value for the money)
ClearStream 4
although I'm not even sure these are the type of antennas best for my situation.
Also, what kind of amplifier will I need?
Hope you guys can help me out and give me your suggestions.