Hello Redwing,
The good news in the report you provided is that Saginaw is pretty straightforward. A small footprint antenna like an Antennacraft HBU11 or RCA ANT751 pointed to magnetic heading 135 ought to get you the those signals with relative ease.
That's just the beginning though. At 10' above ground, trees are an important issue to discuss. Will you have a clear unobstructed view towards the Saginaw towers? If so, you are in good shape. If your antenna is pointed into thick foliage, you will likely have problems. Thus, it is important to get the antenna above the foliage or treeline. Even the strongest antenna can't compensate for lost signal due to foliage.
Another issue is how many TVs do you want to serve? If one, it's pretty straight forward. If you want 5, then planning becomes a bit more precise.