Yes a ANT751 antenna installed above the roof in such a manner that the roof and building are not , obstructing , impeding , blocking , reception in the directions of , south , north , north east.
Aim the ANT751 antenna at about 186 degree magnetic compass direction.
Here is how to aim antennas ,
Use a Real and Actual magnetic compass to aim antenna.
For 1 Tv connected use No splitter.
For 2 Tv's connected use a simple common 2 way splitter.
For 3 Tv's connected use a simple common 3 way splitter.
If the weaker signal strength , WQPX-DT , ION Tv and WSWB-DT , The CW , are not reliably received with No amplifier.
Then re aim the antenna at , WQPX / WSWB at about 50 degree magnetic compass direction.
A amplifier such as a Winegard , LNA-100 'Boost' amplifier , before the splitter can be installed If required.
It is always better to use No amplifier if reception is reliable.
Amplifiers Are Not a --> automatic given.
Here are some places to buy antennas and etc. .
Digital Tv Tuners can develop - Digital Glitches - that are not cleared out with simple channel scans.
Do Double Rescan ,
As always , trees and tree leaves , plants and plant leaves , have Negative Effect on Broadcast Tv Reception
Absorbing , Blocking , Broadcast Tv Reception
Multi-path Reflections bouncing around and disrupting reception.
And so do buildings and other obstructions including your own roof and building.
The Best Practice is to install the antenna at a location that has the least amount to no amount of obstructions of any type or kind in the directions of reception including your own roof and house.