Hello there, not sure if you can help me or not, but I just finished my antenna project. I made the 9.5” whisker version with the Long phase lines and a curved reflector using steel screen with ½” X ½” holes ended up at approx 36” X 42” total, copper was used for the whiskers (10ga) and the phase lines (14ga) and the whole frame is made out of PVC as opposed to wood Like this
I have it hooked up through a Hauppauge 2250 tuner in my computer. My antenna is attic mounted as I am only about 5 miles from most of my local broadcast stations (TVFool.com terrain map
and the drop to the computer is about 40’ of RG6 coax. I am getting excellent signal strength on all of the channels I receive according to Windows Media Centers “Signal strength” tester, full bars even in wind and picture/audio is excellent. All of my channels are coming in loud and clear except one, UHF 40- channel 6.1 CBS is constantly dropping out even though it has full strength (full bars again). It will play perfect for about 10-15 seconds and the drop out, come back and repeat. I have aimed my antenna right at the tower instead of splitting the difference between 5 and 16 degrees (to better grab all of the stations) with no help. Do you have any suggestions for me to try? Do you need more info from me? Should I try it without the reflector? Its not like I watch 6.1 very often, but it has been hard enough at this point to get my wife on board to drop cable! Any help would be appreciated![/SIZE][/SIZE]