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Old 3-Mar-2013, 12:54 AM   #1
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Unable to get channels with Mohu Leaf or rabbit ears

I must be doing something wrong! I have a Vizio L32 HDTV10A that was manufactured in April 2006. I verified with Vizio that is has an NTSC tuner, so I shouldn't need a converter box. I live within 25 miles of Tampa, where there are many signals for many channels. I hooked up the Mohu Leaf (not amplified), searched for channels, and I don't even pick up a fuzzy station. So, after speaking to their customer service (they determined and listed the channels I should be able to get), I thought maybe I received a defective antenna from Mohu. I ordered the Zenith VN1ANTP1 after reading about it here. Again, not even a fuzzy channel comes in. I have two places on the back of the TV where the coaxial cable can be hooked up: DTV and TV. I have tried every possible configuration on both hook-ups. When I do the auto-search for channels, I only have two options - TV or Cable. Should I also see Antenna like Mohu says in their instructions? Is it possible my TV cannot use these antennas? Has anyone run into anything like this? I read something somewhere that my wifi router might interfere? That doesn't sound right. Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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Old 3-Mar-2013, 1:08 AM   #2
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Almost forgot, this is the TVFool report:
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Old 3-Mar-2013, 2:22 AM   #3
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NTSC is the Old Analog Broadcast Tv standard.

-->ATSC<-- is the New Digital Broadcast Tv Standard.

Here is the owners manual ,

I see on page 26 that there are 2 antenna inputs , 1 for Analog and 1 for Digital.

The one for Digital is the 1 that the antenna is connected to.

I see explainations on pages , 30 and the next pages for scanning for Digital Broadcast Tv Channels.

The Digital Broadcast Tv Channels are the ATSC Channels.

DO NOT channel scan for NTSC channels.

Put the indoor type antenna , in/at a window , patio/balcony , that faces , south east as a 1st. choice.

East as a 2nd. choice.

South as a 3rd. choice.

If required , use a loooong coax so that the antenna can be in/at the window / patio/balcony window.


Aim the Mohu Cheap or the VN1ANTP1 , at about 130 degree magnetic compass direction.

Here is how to aim indoor type antenna and outdoor type antennas ,

So is this a , house , town home , condo , apartment , mobile home , motor home , or etc.??

What directions do the , windows , patios/balconies , face.

What floor??

What is the top floor??


The type of building construction that is the best for indoor antenna reception is , wood with wood of vinyl siding.

The following is a - Non complete list - of building construction that Will , reduce and block Tv reception.

Concrete , concrete blocks , concrete tile roof , bricks , big rocks , metal siding , metal roof , metal beams , metal backed insulation , stucko Wire , and more.

Last edited by teleview; 4-Mar-2013 at 1:33 AM.
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Old 4-Mar-2013, 1:01 AM   #4
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Thanks you for all of this information

I wasn't so sure that the person knew what they were talking about when I talked to the customer service rep at Vizio. This document will help. To answer your questions - I live in a one story wood frame house with stucco, and a small attic. You mentioned stucco could be a problem. My living room window faces West, and there are 4 large Live Oak trees on my property. I could run a really long coaxial cable out of my living room and into the guest bedroom to catch a southern facing window, or another one that faces East.

I will also take a look at the link to the manual you posted. I'll also do a little research about stucco.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I REALLY appreciate it!
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Old 4-Mar-2013, 1:44 AM   #5
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It is not the stucko that is so much the problem , It is the stucko -->WIRE<--that is the problem , I call it chicken Wire , because looks like fence Wire. Wire fence that makes good bird pens.

Stucko WIRE is a Effective Screen that , reflects , and blocks , Tv reception.

Last edited by teleview; 5-Mar-2013 at 3:25 AM.
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Old 5-Mar-2013, 12:18 AM   #6
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That makes sense.
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Old 5-Mar-2013, 4:11 AM   #7
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If you will like to receive more reliable and more Digital Broadcast Tv stations/channels.

Above the Peak Of The Roof in such a manner that the roof and house are not blocking reception to the , east , south east , south , north and a little east.

Install a Winegard HD7694P antenna aimed at about 140 degree magnetic compass direction.

Here is how to aim antennas ,

Here are some above the roof antenna mounts. use the 5 foot tripod antenna mount. , use the #4560 eave antenna mount.

Buy the ronard antenna mounts at solidsignal by typing the word ronard in the solidsignal search box or buy from ronard.

Here are some places to buy antennas and etc. , , ,


For 1 Tv connected use No splitter. No antenna system amplifier.

For 2 Tv's connected use a simple common 2 way splitter. No antenna system amplifier.

For outdoor coax that is exposed to the weather use the coax that has the compression type coax connectors on the ends of the coax.

Do not use coax that has the Old crimp type coax connectors on the ends of the coax.


As always , trees and tree leaves do a good job of , multipath/reflecting , absorbing , blocking , OTA=Over The Air , Digital Broadcast Tv stations/channels reception and so do buildings and other obstructions including your own roof and house.

It is best to install The HD7694P antenna at a location that has the least amount to no amount of obstructions of any type or kind in the directions of reception including your own roof and house.

The Tv/s Must Channel Scan for the Digital Broadcast Tv stations/channels , often named the 'Air Channels' or 'Antenna Channels' in the Tv Setup Menu because the Tv transmissions travel through the Air from the transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna.

Some Digital Tv's will automatic channel scan for cable tv channels.

DO NOT channel scan for cable tv channels.

Go into the Digital Tv Setup Menu and select , 'Air Channels' / 'Antenna Channels'.
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Old 5-Mar-2013, 4:11 PM   #8
Antennas Direct Tech Supp
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Your Vizio has VERY SPECIFIC instructions that have to be followed in order to use the digital tuner. Please consult the owner's manual which is available at
Antennas Direct Tech Support

For support and recommendations regarding our products, please contact us directly at

Sorry, I'm not a mod and cannot assist with your site registration.
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