Given the trees, I presume Douglas Fir, you'll want to use a bit more antenna than your TVFR might suggest at first glance.
A premium solution would be an Antennas Direct DB4e combined with an Antennacraft Y5713 or Y10713.
I would try this with no amplifier... You can add a Channel Master CM-3410 between the antenna and splitter if the need is proven.
The UHF antenna (DB4e) would mount on top, with the High-VHF antenna at least 3' below it. I would try a starting aim point of 175° compass for the DB4e and about 215° for the H-VHF antenna.
There are other viable solutions, but by using a high gain antenna you improve your chances of overcoming the problems caused by the nearby trees and you reduce the likelihood of needing an amplifier. Using two 'cut-for-band' antennas also gives you the ability to fine tune aim for each, which may be enough to give you some of the signals from Tiger Mt.