I installed an antenna in Lemon Grove several years ago
with good results. For KFMB CBS Rf8 and KGTV ABC Rf10
I would suggest: A VHF only antenna aimed at La Jolla
or Northnorthwest at Los Angeles. You may be able to
get KABC, KTTV, KCOP and KCAL. The L.A. VHF stations
signal strength are grossly underestimated in the TV fool report.
For the rest of your stations I would suggest a UHF only antenna
aimed at Mt. Helix, to your Southeast. Antennas Direct has several
models which would likely work well. Newark also has UHF only
You may combine the antennas with a UVSJ which will combine all
the signals with minimal issues or run two separate cable runs to
each television with an A/B switch at each tv.
Keep your cable runs as short as possible, using RG6.
Be sure to ground your system, it helps with lightening and
can improve reception.