No requirement to install a All channel antenna such as the HD8200U antenna , W04BS-D channel 4 is a Very Strong Signal Strength local repeater transmitter and will be received by a antenna the does not have the long channels 2 thru 6 metal reception elements.
W04BS-D channel 4 and W03AM-D channel 3 are repeaters for WCBB channel 10 PBS.
WCBB and W04BS will both be received.
And W04BS-D , Is a Very Strong Signal Strength local Tv repeater and will be received by the HD7698P antenna.
And WGCI-LD channel 4 is to weak signal strength to receive reliably.
A , Hi-Gain AR 40 , antenna rotator is a Heavy Duty antenna rotator to use to , fine tune , the antenna aim direction if required for reception.
Can type , Hi-Gain AR 40 , in the ,
www.google.com or
www.yahoo.com , search box to find a place to buy the Hi-Gain AR 40 antenna rotator.
www.hy-gain.com/Product.php?productid=AR-40 .
WPXT-DT Real UHF channel 43 , The CW Network and Me-Tv .
WPME-DT Real UHF channel 35 , MyNetwork and Maine Vistor's Channel.
Are Very Weak Signal Strength Tv stations.
A big antenna with maximum antenna gain is required to reach out for reliable reception.
The Winegard , HD7698P antenna.
Here are some strong and sturdy above the roof antenna mounts.
Use the , ronard(911) , 5 foot tripod antenna mount.
Measure around the chimney and use a , ronard(2212) , ronard(2219) , ronard(2224) .
Buy the ronard antenna mounts at ,
www.solidsignal.com , by typing , ronard(x) , in the solidsignal search box or buy from ,
www.ronard.com .