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Old 29-Aug-2016, 11:45 AM   #12
Antennas Direct Tech Supp
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 2,942
WRGB poses the biggest challenge because the DB-8e is going to be completely blind to it.
It is a misconception that the DB8e (or any other UHF antenna design" would be "completely blind to a VHF signal, even a low-VHF channel. While I do not recommend such an antenna where low-VHF reception is required, it's actually very common for customers to report success anyway, in spite of the seeming illogic of the results.

There's a wild card at play that most antenna guys do not know about or acknowledge. I'm not crazy about it but I do know it exists and that can be exploited, usually by luck or chance rather than purpose. I'd just as soon see it gone as it introduces an unpredictable reception mode to the out-of-design-band frequencies. I'd infinitely prefer predictability in the antenna's performance.

Please note that, if the VHF dipole kit is in use, the unconventional reception mode is eliminated by the integrated diplexer.

Maybe it's the clip on VHF addon?
Probably, since it's in use. It's only about half the physical and electrical length required for effective reception of a channel 6 signal. Since it's "too short", it's efficiency is reduced for low VHF or FM, but, back in '09, many low-VHF stations, including WRGB, pumped up their power to help indoor antenna uses who were often using antennas that were "too small". As a result, the users of smaller outdoor antennas were also benefited with improved reception of low-V signals.

While I understand that you are reluctant to get rid of the DB-8e, your best bet would be to get a Winegard HD-8200u antenna, mount it as high as you can on the roof, and aim it at the Helderberg Escarpment, where all the Capital District are located. The Helderberg Escarpment lies at 203 degrees south of your location, and should be a fairly easy pull from your location if the antenna is mounted and installed properly. You can add a preamplifier, like an AntennasDirect PA-18 if you want more signal strength to add additional TV sets
Swapping to a large all-channel antenna is the logical choice for the Albany market. However, do not use the PA18 in a location such as this as it's intended for locations where ALL signals are weak. My simple rule for for our phone staff is that if there are signals "in the green" on a customer's TVFool plot, use the Juice instead to avoid the risk of signal overload. Keeps things simple that way.
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Last edited by ADTech; 29-Aug-2016 at 11:57 AM.
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