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Old 17-Dec-2009, 7:40 PM   #11
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 10
Hey Guys,
This is all starting to look quite promising! All things not being equal RG6 will be somehow be obtained for the next um,TVeek. It would be nice to see this resolve without a pre amp but that too can be readily accepted if it will make that much difference. I'd still prefer stealth reception capability (under the roof in the attic) The aesthetics of that rooftop mount option and my resistance make the ultimate choice interesting to consider. I'd almost rather spend more to achieve attic reception if that is even possible than the inevitable added cost of getting things up on or above the roof. Working towards the next few steps: Would the purchase of a pre amp be specific to a particular antenna size? I'm presuming that what I have that is it's "type" is perfectly specific for this project for now. I'm wondering if with the existing antenna checking out in terms of its present condition being paired to a pre amp would then need to be different if I get a newer or possibly larger antenna? Is there a golden rule about antenna size? I guess I mean: Does the next size up of the required type end up taking up twice as much space? I realize it's all cut and dried from an objective point. "You want those channels? Just put it on the roof already!" I'm thinking if RG6 cable and the pre amp strike out under the roof with the existing antenna that the roof top mount experiment will deserve it's chance and rather than try and get the old antenna out and put a new one in it's place, I'll just try a new one on the roof, possibly a bigger one, if it'll fit in the attic or not. Hence the pre amp size question. Also, is there really much more to expect with a larger antenna anyway? Stupid question?
That Sandgate Vt. story was facinating! Thanks for the link Tower Guy! How much for a spectrum analysis? I'm not clear when that gets done though. Is it a way to check an antenna in a given location or does it just provide by itself the spectrum information at a specific location?
Talk about sweet spots:My old vs new antenna story I heard this past summer makes me wonder about all of the promotions I've seen elsewhere.Some folks I know had a new antenna installed with their new T.V. and were very disappointed. They hooked up the old antenna and just put up with the same results for a while. A roofer came and re did the roof and had to move the old antenna. He gently set it down in a bush next to the house. When I saw it it looked like it had been blown over. It was just lying there like on its side on top of the bush. They said to the roofer: "Whatever you do don't touch that antenna when you are done! We started getting all these channels perfectly ever since you put it down there!" Now that I'm studying this what was explained about tilt tolerance comes to mind.
Thanks again,
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