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Old 31-Aug-2013, 6:42 AM   #6
GroundUrMast's Avatar
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If the first TV Fool report is representative of your situation, I would try using an Antennas Direct DB4e. Start with an aim point of about 125° per a real compass. (I have never been able to trust a 'smart' phone compass app.)

If the single antenna does not provide reliable reception of the signals you need/want, you may need to consider adding a second antenna dedicated to reception of the signals to the south and southeast. If you only care about reception of the four major networks you mentioned, consider contacting re. an AC7-Series Antenna Signal Injector configured for UHF channel 32. This would provide a means to combine two DB4e antennas, the main one facing east and the second facing the WFQX tower.

There are other options that would provide access to all the signals in the green and yellow portion of your report...
If the well is dry and you don't see rain on the horizon, you'll need to dig the hole deeper. (If the antenna can't get the job done, an amp won't fix it.)

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