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Old 30-Sep-2016, 5:27 AM   #10
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Toledo Ohio
Posts: 65
Originally Posted by bobsgarage View Post
I called Antennas Direct. Really excellent help there. I asked him about the VHF add-on kit and there are actually two different ones. One is slightly better then the other. You have to actually ask them fo it, they keep it in the office.

I understand it ships from another location than their regular antennas.. However, I believe the VHF add-on kit is barely a compromise. Even the Tech Guy said anything more than 35 miles his risky with that antenna meaning the VHF add-on kit.

I think the 30 - 2476 will open up New Horizons for you. It is a clean-looking antenna and well-constructed. Also during another conversation I had with an antenna Tech Guy, he said that when there is nothing they can do for their customer about VHF reception they actually recommend the 30 - 2476. Even though it is made by another antenna company.
The add on was the one dipole from the Antennas Direct ClearStream, they actually sent the reflector from that antenna in the kit order, its a jimmy rig basically.
I mounted pretty similarly with the HDB91X on top using the Stellar Labs UHF - VHF Antenna Combiner this was a pain as the combiner case would not contain the high quality guarded cables I had been using due to the heads being too large for the case so I had to cut new traditional cables with twist on heads to fit the case.
The end result so far is that 2 is rock solid, not a single dropout since I scanned in the afternoon until I pointed east to get 24 Toledo around midnight, 9 was less good, only could get with a direct point (whereas a general ch 50 point will do) with a lot of breakup, the UHF reception has been pretty disappointing, I'm really hoping its the weather as its been storming in Detroit today but tonight (prime reception time) I scanned under 20 channels (poor in any weather) 20 & 7 haven't been seen at all & 4 ,62, 56 are only seen intermittently with lots of breakup, I thought in the first couple hours that ch 4 "seemed" rock solid & I was expecting it to stay. I was hoping for improvement with the height boost of the HDB91X but perhaps the DB4e was doing more than I thought when I consider it to be UHF overkill, it always was a very impressive antenna, I got the HDB91X for a more directional point but I'm not sure if it tops the fringe reception, I would hate to have to remount again soon as that was more of a pain than expected but if things don't improve something will have to change.

Last edited by Blackbeen; 30-Sep-2016 at 5:36 AM.
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