Thread: No Signal
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Old 17-Jun-2017, 2:12 PM   #18
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 39
Y'know, the freakin' thing is, I usually check the obvious first and this time I failed utterly. It does explain things though. It could be why the transformer was overheating; the power had nowhere to go!

Now, follow me for a sec. One thing I've always tried to use to teach myself electricity is to think of it as a river. Now, when testing components such as coax, I get stuck on the terminology: Capping, shorting, terminating a component – all the same thing – is tantamount to attaching an alligator clip to one end, biting the copper wire ( the "conductor" ) while touching the negative ( here, the threading ) so it effectively creates a circuit once the multimeter is connected at the opposite end, so one can test that component?
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