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Old 4-Sep-2019, 1:46 PM   #11
Retired A/V Tech
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Originally Posted by olnick View Post
I am amazed that I get 24.1 as it is in the same catagory as 25.1 "bad" signal!! I can swing the ant approx 10 deg mag. either side of 161 deg mag and still get 24.1? If they are coming from the same tower I should be able to get 25.1 when the dust finally settles. (I hope).
24.1 is WFXZ on VHF-Low real channel 5. It is a Guest on the WGBH transmitter and not transmitting on its own:

If you look at the Boston Repack plan, you will see that WFXZ sold their license in the Repack reverse auction.

WGBH is the Host:

WGBH is now using Circular Polarization with 6.7 kW Horizontal and 6.7 kW Vertical ERP.

WGBH would be listed higher up, but a correction factor has been subtracted from the Field Strength to allow for the higher noise level on VHF-Low. Notice that its Signal Margin is 10.34 dB as a result, which is out of order.

VHF-Low signals can make it over hills better than UHF signals. So, even though they will be on the same tower, they will be on different TV bands.

If you are still not able to get WFXT after Repack, the only thing that I can think of to try is a WFXT dedicated UHF antenna like the Antennas Direct 91XG or Solid Signal HDB91X mounted above the trees with the front end tilted up to possibly catch the signal coming down from the peak of the hill.

I wish you good luck.
If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.
Lord Kelvin, 1883

Last edited by rabbit73; 4-Sep-2019 at 2:19 PM.
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