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Old 26-Feb-2019, 6:58 PM   #41
Retired A/V Tech
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Originally Posted by bobsgarage View Post
What ways do you know to combine and get the signals in good from both directions?
The best method for you would depend upon how many TVs you have and how many channels you want from both directions (and how much money you are willing to spend). If you want a lot of channels from both directions all combined in one coax, you would have the equivalent of a CATV or cable system. This would involve single channel amplifiers, modulators, and a combiner; very expensive.

Using the custom filters approach has limitations. If you want a lot of channels, you would need many custom filters, and they would have an insertion loss that would affect the weaker channels. Also, there are limitations with adjacent channels. A notch filter for a channel will affect the adjacent channels. Don't forget, many TVs can edit out a channel you don't want by going into the channel menu.

If you want just a few channels from one direction to add to the coax from the main direction, you could add some tuners and modulators to insert them in unused UHF channels. They would be analog and not HD digital, but analog can look better than compressed 480i digital.

Analog can look better than this compressed 480i digital:

The method I favor for your situation would be to run two coax lines to each TV, one for each antenna system. At each TV there would be an A/B switch to select which antenna is desired. If the TVs are not able to add a channel after scan, it would be necessary to rescan after changing direction. To avoid that, you can connect the main antenna to the TV antenna input and connect the other antenna to a separate tuner with its output connected to the TV aux input. With HDMI it could be HD.
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Last edited by rabbit73; 27-Feb-2019 at 3:06 PM.
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