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Old 8-May-2017, 8:11 PM   #25
Antennas Direct Tech Supp
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 2,942
thanks AD tech. but any idea where I can score one of your UVSJ's in NW Vermont?
You would have to order it, it is not stocked in any stores. Amazon, Solid Signal, our website, etc.

Will the UVSJ allow me to install it at the pole ,connecting my existing antenna to the VHF side, and the new antenna to the UHF port, and run one cable into the house.
Yes, BUT you will only be able to amplify either the UHF-only signals from the UHF-only antenna or amplify everything. This is an important constraint and will not allow you to amplify ONLY the VHF as recommended.
Very important question. Will sending a signal boosted by 30Db do physical harm to my Roamio?
No, it will not cause any harm to the tuner. Worst case, it will simply not work very well, if at all, as long as the overload condition persists.
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