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Old 21-Oct-2016, 2:02 AM   #10
Retired A/V Tech
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: S.E. VA
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In addition the UHF stations, I WAS receiving WTHN (Channel 10) with the VHF antenna. However, about two weeks ago, my TV set stopped decoding what was being pulled in.....A tunable receiver also shows a strong pilot signal (192.31mhz). Using a USB TV tuner gives the same results (no decode), so I don't think this is a problem with the TV.
That is the ch 10 pilot. What are you using as a tunable receiver? Have any trees grown into the signal path. You do have one strong FM signal coming from the south, based on my estimate of your location. The FM filter in the preamp might not be enough.

You can do your own FM report here:
If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.
Lord Kelvin, 1883
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