Originally Posted by rabbit73
The first thing I notice is that you have two signals strong enough to cause preamp and tuner overload (when the antenna is aimed at them) which would produce spurious signals from IMD that would raise the noise floor and wipe out your weaker signals.
Yeah I though about that. If I could wipe out ch 27 completely that would be great. However, like with most other TV equipment, I cannot seem to find a REASONABLY priced single channel filter. I also don't think that this is the issue with Channel 10.
It sounds like you have picked the best location possible for your antenna.
Not too many left; the CM9521A is popular, but it doesn't have long-term reliability. You would have to step up to a ham rotator like the Hy-Gain AR40 or Yaesu 450.
The CM seems to have WAY to many issues. I DON'T want to have to climb back up onto the roof in the dead of winter to fix a bad rotor. The Yaesu looks good, but hard to justify the $$$ to my other half.. This adventure was justified on the basis of cost. If I start spending too much on equipment, she will demand the cable back
I looked at the link to your equipment. Nice meter! I'm sure it is out of my price range, but just for curiosity, what does a device like that run these days?