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Old 1-Mar-2016, 12:14 AM   #7
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 13
I am trying understand the VHF retrofit kit. So when I see WCBS which I know as channel 2; in fact is a UHF frequency at either 22 or 33? And, there are two because there are 2 different transmitters for the same station, one in NYC and one on Long Island?

The VHF retrofit seems like a real small piece of gear, sorry to sound silly, but should it pull NYC stations from 45 miles away like WABC, WNET, or WPIX? On another note if it did not pick them up, I could receive ABC programming from WNTH and PBS from WLIW (Long Island) and/or WEDW from Bridgeport?

Is this why a long range UHF antenna like the DB8e would be better in my situation than a VHF/UHF combo like the Winegard HD 7698?

One last question, thoughts about the DB4e as I believe it has wider beam width - 60 degrees? Would it give a better a shot at getting both the stations from NYC and Long Island? Thanks for the input.
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