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Old 26-Jan-2016, 11:49 AM   #3
Retired A/V Tech
Join Date: Aug 2012
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You will probably need to attenuate both the immediate analog channel 8 as well as FM by 25+ dB to keep them out of the system. over in Toronto can custom make one for you. All you'd need is a low-pass filter that takes out everything channel 8 and below.
I agree with ADTech; you aren't going to get what you want without a custom filter to attenuate real channel 8 and FM signals. But, IIRC, the filter should be a high pass filter, not a low pass filter designed to attenuate frequencies below real channel 10 and pass frequencies above real channel 8.
FMFool does not provide clickable links, you must save it as an image, then post that image.
That is correct, FM reports don't link like TV reports. But it is possible to create a link of an FM report, which is what I have done based on the short coordinates of your TV report:

CHOD-FM at -5.9 dBm is strong enough to give you a problem. I understand that FM FOOL might not be up to date on Canadian FM signals. You can do your own report here to see how close I came:
If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.
Lord Kelvin, 1883

Last edited by rabbit73; 26-Jan-2016 at 12:01 PM.
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