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Old 23-Nov-2015, 7:40 PM   #3
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Location: Des Moines, IA
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Thanks for the Insights!

Thanks for your guidance AD Tech! Sounds like you may have saved me from some serious frustration!

Since the Monoprice HDA-5700 Indoor/Outdoor antenna isn't your idea of what a decent indoor antenna is, what would you recommend in the same price range?

The only window in my apartment's living room is a southern exposure at about 176 degrees (magnetic). I did have the RCA antenna stuck in this window for some time, but the same lousy reception issues I've already described happened when the antenna was there as they are with the antenna secured to the adjacent wall (its current location). In both cases the antenna is/was oriented in the vertical plane. I have not ever tried orienting it in the horizontal plane. Do you think that might work better? As the RCA antenna that I have is a flat panel that came with its own small amp (which I have always used as it doesn't seem to work at all without it), I'm uncertain at this point about how to build a rig to suspend it from the ceiling in either a vertical OR a horizontal orientation AND provide it with some rotational freedom to really 'zero' in on the strongest signal and then lock it down at that point. It is said that necessity is the mother of invention though, so I reckon I'll sit down with a sketch pad and try to come up with some Rube Goldberg contraption. ;-) I am supposing that drilling through the corners of the antenna's plastic shell would generally be regarded as a knucklehead play, right?

I'm eager to hear back from you AD Tech. I THINK I answered all the questions you had for right now!

Best regards,
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