Much appreciated you pointed out channels 2 & 4 are for licenses and not on the air. That’s good to know, but how do I read my TVFool report to see or know that?
Coaxial cable comparison – good to know you have tested and have results for various cable brands. Also, the RG6 Quad Shied had more loss – who would have known? For RG11 coax, good points on its characteristics. If the research I read was accurate on RG11, its loss was approximately 1.5dB - 2dB less than RG-6 Coax at a 100Ft. Good analogy.
AntennaCraft 10-element Yagi is probably my best shot at WFAA. Is there a possible chance to receive the other channels?
Thanks again for opining and discussing channels available, antenna choices for my location, coax cables comparison, and pre-amp requirement. That’s information that I and others can find useful and apply. Much appreciated.
P.S. Just had an epiphany for UHF, you mentioned beer cans – I can cut my empty beer cans up into bowtie shapes (given their sharp edges, birds may not perch on it), spot tie them to my BBQ grill rack, and connect a 75 Ohm resistor balun to it and stick that metal in the air!