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Old 14-Nov-2014, 2:34 AM   #73
Retired A/V Tech
Join Date: Aug 2012
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The quote didn't work because you left out the ] after the 47796.

There is no point in switching back and forth, because the signals would have changed by then, which is why I had suggested the two-set comparison which gives you a real-time comparison.

What I'm suggesting now is a second-best test because it would be difficult for you to bring a second set down to the basement, unless you have or can borrow a smaller set.

You already know what the Roamio does with the present antenna system. I want you to see what a TV does with the present antenna system.

So I need clarification here. Are you saying to use enough attenuators to account for 10 or 20dB total?
I'm saying keep adding more, a little at a time, and see what happens, until there is no signal left. This is the test in the link in my signature.
If you are suggesting something else can you link to where I bought from before what I would need?
I got mine here:

You got yours here:

It is okay to post the other tvfool reports if you think they will help. Let's just not try to reveal my exact location for the whole web to see.
They already know it's Ozark, MO from your original tvfool report, and you gave the coordinates of the nearby firehouse in an open forum. I'll be extra careful. I'll just do an extract from the other reports.
If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.
Lord Kelvin, 1883

Last edited by rabbit73; 14-Nov-2014 at 7:53 AM.
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