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Old 6-Aug-2014, 8:46 PM   #1
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Posts: 6
Cutting the cable in Vermont -- Antenna/Installation advice


I'm looking to get ride of cable and use OTA broadcasting to watch my local channels. Then use Netflix, Plex, etc... for everything else I need/want.

First off, I want to say that I'm technical minded (I'm a software developer), but have no experience in this field at all.

Here is my set up:
I live in Essex Junction Vermont. I live in a two story brick condo. There are tall trees all around my house. I am not allowed to have an antenna on my roof.

Here are my antenna placement options:
  • In the attic (but I don't want to have to run a power supply up there)
  • In the house (but the antenna aesthetics need to pass the wife test)
  • On the back deck. The deck is 4 feet off the ground and has 7 foot side walls. The deck is also facing Mt Mansfield... which has the broadcast tower that carries the local channels I care about.. which is about 14.5 miles away). The deck option also has to pass the wife aesthetic test.

The coax cable from the antenna will be going down into the basement and connecting to a HDHomerun Plus.

I already purchased a ChannelMaster SMARTenna 3000hd... but I really have no idea if that is what I need, or where to place it. I have no qualms in returning it if I need to.

I would love some guidance in the proper antenna to buy. If I need an amp. And where to place the antenna.

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