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Old 27-Jun-2014, 2:34 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 4
Is there a better antenna for me?

I live northwest of Boston and I cut the cord about a year ago. My reception comes and goes, and I'm wondering if I could do any better with a different antenna.

Here's my signal analysis report

This is my existing setup:
- Antennas Direct 91XG antenna, mounted in attic
- Antenna pointed to ~152 degrees, which is where the major Boston networks broadcast (UHF only)
- No preamp
- HDHomeRun (HDHR3) located just a few feet from antenna, so virtually no cable loss

The channels I'm interested in are all 1Edge or 2Edge. Sometimes they come in great, other times reception is terrible. I've noticed that not all Boston channels are strongest with the antennna pointed at 152 (which is where the transmitters are located). If I rotate it 15 or 20 degrees, some channels get better while others get worse. Also, the best antenna angle on one day might not be the best angle on another day.

All of this leads me to wonder, is my antenna too directional? With 1Edge and 2Edge paths, are the signals travelling over indirect paths to reach me, and are these paths changing day-to-day?

When I chose the 91XG, I was going for the highest gain at UHF. Now I'm wondering if I would do better with something like an Antennas Direct DB8E, Winegard HD-8800, ClearStream 4, or even a Mohu Sky.

Can anyone comment on these (or other) antennas as a potential upgrade? I know that mounting the antenna on the roof would get me a bit more signal, but I'd really prefer not to do that.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Last edited by cumak; 27-Jun-2014 at 4:24 PM. Reason: Fixed location for signal report
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