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Old 12-Jul-2013, 7:08 PM   #12
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The following is about ->Digital Broadcast Tv.

A popular discussion on video and audio forums years ago and when Digital Broadcast Tv was new was. Can you see any difference of resolution and clarity of these Hi Def.




Splitting hairs , yes one can see some differences.

Videophiles/audiophiles like to split the hairs ever finer.

And yes it is true that of the point of view of technical issues , there are important differences.

The truth is that video is recorded and developed in all manner of resolutions , some and not all examples are , 480i , 480P , 720P , 1080i , 1080P.

As an example , the video you are watching , may have started out as , 720P and then up converted to 1080P and then down converted to 1080i and then down converted and broadcast as 480i.

((And Yes it is true that Blue Ray DVD's are nice clear 1080P picture when connected to a Tv that can display 1080P.

It is also true that when connected to a Tv that can display pictures of 720P , then the 1080P is down converted to 720P and so forth.))

One more point , the current highest resolution of Digital Broadcast Tv is 1080i.

Of those situations , when the original transmission and reception is , 720P , 1080i , 1080P , then ,

My evaluation is that in , Practical Every Day , Normal , viewing of Digital Broadcast Tv , it makes No Difference.


The following information has to do with the Cable Tv and Satellite Tv issues.

Due bandwidth constraints , only so many channels will fit into bandwidth of frequencies available.

Then many channels are 'down converted' to very low resolutions that uses less bandwidth , this gives the picture a , Soft look , a lack of detail.


The issues and facts go on and on.

One more fact.

As an example , if a video starts out as 480P , --> It is 480P.

Yes a computer can Copy Lines Of Resolution and put the copies in between the original lines of resolution and make more lines of resolution , say 1080P.

However the truth is that there is No New Real Information , it is just copies of the original lines of resolution.

Yes it is true the picture does 'look' better ---------------- and on and on and on and on.
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