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Old 15-Mar-2013, 1:15 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 4
Antenna Selection Question

Hello all,

I, like most newbies here I am sure, have decided to "cut the cord." I have researched antennas, signals, maps, and graphs until my eyes are crossed. This is made worse by the fact that I have no clue what I am looking at.

My main questions are as follows:

1.) Based on my TV Fool Report, would a long range antenna (such as the DB8e) pick up the stations (ABC, CBS, etc.) that are about 60 miles away? Alabama is very mountainous, so line of sight (at least as I interpret it) is out of the question.

2.) Will mounting the antenna in my attic make a difference in reception?

Thank you all so much for reading this and helping out the new guy.


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