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Old 1-Oct-2012, 5:29 AM   #5
Posts: n/a
At 8 feet antenna height the answer is most likely No , with the HDMS9100. But you can try.

A Winegard HD7696P antenna with a Antennas Direct CPA-19 preamp would most likely get get 3 or 4 channels at 8 feet antenna height.

And there is also the issue of trees , trees do a real fine job of reducing or blocking TV reception and so do buildings and other obstructions.

It is best the locate the antenna at a location that has the least amount to no amount of obstructions of any type or kind in the direction of reception.

WZRA is a very strong local signal and will be received in any event , so the direction of reception is 143 degree magnetic compass direction , the weaker Tv stations.

Here is how to aim antennas ,

It still will be nice to have a look at the tvfool reports at 25 and 40 feet antenna heights to see if improvements in signal strengths.

And it is important to make sure that the coridantes of location are correct.

Go to the tvfool home page , click on , >>Start MAPS<< move the pointer to the location and click on the to make tvfool radar report plot.



With a higher antenna height then 8 feet a preamp will most likely not be required however need to see those higher antenna heights.

Last edited by teleview; 1-Oct-2012 at 8:37 AM.
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