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Old 4-Jul-2012, 12:37 AM   #1
Clueless noob
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Posts: 5
Yikes, can I even receive OTA signal>


Looking through other posts and their reports, it seems like everyone has substantially stronger reception, and even some of those the replys are saying they need strong outdoor antenna. I'm totally new to this OTA thing (tired of the money bill for something that's not used much), but it seems as though it's not even an option.

FWIW, I would only be able to get signal from the north as my south side is against a rise in the land (hill? might be 200' in elevation gain, I think they call that a mountain down here in Georgia, but it's barely a rise in the land compared to where I grew up in Wyoming). North is Atlanta, and 90 miles driving, though apparently 80 as the crow (signal) flies.

What kind of antenna would be needed? I have a metal roof, not really interest in putting holes in the Top, but eaves are fair game. Plus, it's a tri-level thans to the elevation drop, so 2-story on the north end of the property, but lots of tall/mature trees in all directions too.

Thanks for any/all opinions.
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