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Old 3-Jul-2012, 9:21 PM   #9
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I agree , The FCC - Federal Communications Commission and the National and International Broadband Wireless Internet and Cell Phone Providers pushing harder and harder every day to buy/ Steal 120 MHZ of the UHF Tv spectrum , thats 20 UHF Tv channels from the Tv Broadcasters.

The VHF low band channels 2 thru 6 will become the new Beach Front Property.
This what I have been saying all along. It is the point I have been doing my best to make , For A Long Time Now.


The TV transmissions are VERY WEAK at your location.

Research shows that there are receivable Tv channels that are both Analog and Digital Tv channels.

I recommend that a Winegard HD7084P antenna with a Winegard AP8700 preamp be installed and aimed at about 136 degree magnetic compass (south/east) for those Tv stations/channels.

Here is how to aim antennas ,

The Tv stations/channels are split between between the north/west and south/east.

NBC , ABC , CBS and etc. are split between north/west and south/east.

The PBS Tv station is to the north/west at about 336 degree magnetic compass.

To receive the Tv stations/channels to the north/west and PBS to the north/west.
Install a second Winegard HD7084P antenna with a AP8700 preamp. Aimed at about 336 degree magnetic compass.

These antenna systems are 2 SEPARATE antenna systems and can not be connected together on to one coax.

The 2 Separate antenna systems coaxes will go to the location of the TV and be connected to a Remote Control A/B Coax Antenna Switch. , #15-1968 , or , , #32-4425.

Last edited by Electron; 4-Jul-2012 at 12:38 AM.
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