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Old 15-May-2012, 10:18 PM   #9
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: NJ/VT
Posts: 50
Just a report back to the Forum....appreciate all your incisive input.

I ended up mounting the low band VHF on the opposite end of the house using 3" wall brackets. Separation between the Yagi and the V4 not an issue now.

I first cabled the low band V4 directly to a reliable HD set and was surprised to see nearly all UHF and VHF signals coming in fine on the V4.

I then utilized the AD UHF/VHF combiner (joining the yagi and the V4) and fed the output from the combiner to the input of my balanced 3 way splitter (then to 3 sets). Doing this I lost the low band stations I had just captured when the V4 had been cabled directly to one set.

Happened to have a Channel Master DA hanging around so figured I would try that between the V4 ant and the combiner. That worked fine so now getting all my VHF and UHF throughout the home.

Again many thanks.

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