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Old 9-Apr-2012, 2:11 AM   #12
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 5
Food for thought. I greatly appreciate the suggestions, and while I like the added reliability of the DB4e setup, I'm wondering if it would provide noticeably better reception than the "Simpler" HD7698P would give. It seems to be a little more expensive than the HD7698P setup.

Good to know about the grounds and also that the pre-amp doesn't require power to the rooftop. With weather systems causing high winds and rain quite often during certain times of year, would an eave mount's reception succumb to the weather? Also, with the DB4e + YA1713 system, would I be able to mount those on one eve mount or have to do 2? I am a new guy to all of this so the simpler the better ;0)

I will have to check in with Dish Network later if we ever decide to go that route.

Unfortunately, I'm still not sure which channels I'd be missing with an attic mount. Is it a significant signal loss?
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