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Old 18-May-2010, 2:48 PM   #10
Antennas Direct Tech Supp
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 2,942
When will we Americans see the 91XG optimized for 14-51?
Disclaimer: I'm in tech support, not marketing or management. Therefore, make of this what you will...

The short answer is "When it makes financial sense to develop one and bring it to market."


While we'd all like to see the biggest, baddest performing antenna, the reality of this business is that a company must invest its resources where it will be expected to earn a return. The 91XG is an extremely low volume niche item sold mostly to distributors at very low margins. Given the tens of thousands of dollars in R&D costs that it takes to develop a new commercial antenna for market, all I can say is that this project is not yet high on the priority list (which has other, more important projects on it). Additionally, there is ample inventory in our warehouse to last into next year.

If and when it should become available, it will be listed on our website first.

I'd prefer to purchase a proven 14-51 UHF antenna:
C4. Its better efficiency often makes the difference over raw gain, especially at the low end of the UHF scale. I've used it to pull in stations at the lower end of the range that a 91XG couldn't. Above channels 25-30, the 91XG or the DB8 will outperform since they're peaked at the high end.

Last edited by ADTech; 18-May-2010 at 2:56 PM.
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