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Old 16-Dec-2011, 6:47 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 2
Antenna help in WV

I currently have an 20+year old large yagi antenna (make unknown) on a 50' antenna pointed 320 magnetic, with one tv on 100' RG6. I live in a wooded area which I am sure does not help with reception. I am getting the following channels with new Vizio tv and no amplifier or preamplifier..25.1 NBC/31.1 PBS/33.3 WITF/42 (fuzzy)/60.1 ION.

I can live with what I have but would like to pick up WHSV or another one of the ABC affiliates and maybe split the signal to add one or two more tvs. I guess Fox and CBS are probably out of the question.

New antenna/pre-amp/amp/rotator..all possibilities. If getting the ABC affiliates is not possible then I would be open to suggestions to improve what I already have.

Suggestions? Thank you so much!

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