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Old 1-Dec-2011, 7:04 PM   #6
GroundUrMast's Avatar
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1) The 20° difference is well within the beam width of the typical 8-bay. (Given the strong local signals.)
2) Yes.... BUT, the strong local signals are going to overload most if not all amplifiers. The only amplifies that might tolerate the high signal levels would be a Winegard HDP-269 or an Antennas Direct CPA-19. Even those are going to be pushed very hard. It's like you are trying to take a picture of a faint star that is just a few degrees away from the noonday sun.
3) All of the 8-bays are going to be 1 to 3 dB lower in gain than the XG91.

I don't want to tell you not to try, I just want to be sure you have realistic expectations. (If you can purchase from a vendor with a liberal return policy, go for it.) I think you would be doing extremely well to see one or two of the Buffalo stations.
If the well is dry and you don't see rain on the horizon, you'll need to dig the hole deeper. (If the antenna can't get the job done, an amp won't fix it.)

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