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DaveBB 1-Oct-2012 2:43 PM

Need Help picking out right antenna
Hello, I'm in Toccoa, Ga and need help selecting the best antenna for this area.
It will be on a 50' tower. Any help would be appreciated.

Here's my tvfool report:

Thanks for any help

signals unlimited 1-Oct-2012 8:21 PM

Lots of tall pines in GA.

Your antenna selection will depend on the number, size, and direction of large trees or
buildings that stand between you and the stations (if any).

Also, you have stations from multipul directions. Do you wish to receive all that are possible, or from one specific market?

DaveBB 1-Oct-2012 8:32 PM

We do have some big trees around. Would like to get Atlanta stations, but would be open to installing a rotor to receive other stations that might be more local or have a better signal

teleview 1-Oct-2012 8:43 PM

I recommend a 2 separate antenna set up.

Antenna system number 1.

Install a Winegard HD7698P antenna with a Antennas Direct CPA-19 preamp , aimed at about 30 degree magnetic compass direction.

Here is how to aim antennas ,

For 1 Tv connected use no splitter.

For 2 Tv's connected use a , HFS-2D , 2 way splitter.

For 3 Tv's connected use a , HFS-3D , 3 way splitter.

Buy the HFS splitters at , , or ,

Antenna system number 2.

Install a Winegard HD9095P antenna with CPA-19 preamp aimed at about 219 degree magnetic compass direction.

For 1 Tv connected use no splitter.

For 2 Tv's connected use a , HFS-2D , 2 way splitter.

For 3 Tv' connected use a , HFS-3D , 3 way splitter.


The 2 Separate antenna systems are Not connected together on to 1 coax.

The 2 Separate antenna systems are Separate all the way to the location/s of the Tv/s where a Remote control A/B coax antenna switch will be connected to the separate coax antenna systems at each Tv location. , #15-1968 , or , , #32-4425 .

Remote control A/B antenna switching is Channel Surfing Friendly , press the button on the hand held remote control , change antennas , and keep on Channel Surfing.

Using 1 antenna and a antenna rotator Is Not channel surfing friendly , must wait for antenna to rotate and not every one in the house will agree with the direction the antenna aimed.

As always , trees and tree leaves do a real fine job of reducing or blocking Tv reception and so do buildings or other obstructions.

It is best to install the antenna/s at a location that has the least amount to no amount of obstructions of any type or kind in the direction/s of reception.

The Tv/s Must Channel Scan for the Broadcast Tv Channels , sometimes named the 'Air Channels' or 'Antenna Channels' in the Tv set up menu because the Tv transmissions travel through the air from the transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna.

DO NOT channel scan for cable tv channels.

Here are places to buy antennas and etc. , , ,

signals unlimited 1-Oct-2012 8:43 PM

I recommend you install a Winegard HD-7698P antenna and a Channel Master 7778 amplifier.

For the rotor I would install a Channel Master 4521 rotor. When installing the rotor aim the antenna and rotor to magnet North while at the end of rotation. With that you can use the TVF report to aim to the compass headings for the station locations.

teleview 1-Oct-2012 8:59 PM

The Receivable Tv stations/channels to the north east have a Full Compliment of network channels and many more channels.

The Receivable Tv stations/channels to the south west - Atlanta - do not have a full compliment of network channels or other channels.

DaveBB 1-Oct-2012 9:03 PM

I would like to keep it to one antenna, since I'm the only person in the house it wouldn't create a problem for anyone else to watch anything. And waiting for the rotor to turn isn't a big deal to me. So it's looking like the winegard HD 7698P might be the way to go. Have that antenna on my house in WI and has preformed well so far. Any advise is appreciated.

DaveBB 1-Oct-2012 9:50 PM

So I'll get a better amount of stations from the NE of toccoa. Instead of trying for the atlanta stations in the SW? that's good to know. Are the NE stations out of Greenville, spartanburg area?

GroundUrMast 2-Oct-2012 2:42 AM

Given your willingness to use a rotator, the HD7698P, preamp & rotor combination suggested by signals unlimited works very well. (I believe the rotator model is CM-9521A, perhaps a typo... I do it too.) To 'beef up' the strength of the rotator system, consider adding an NTE TB-105 as well.

I think you have a shot at Atlanta, but the other stronger signals are obviously going to be easier to receive. is a useful site with a great deal of info about the stations. Example: Yes the NE stations are generally Greenville market.

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