20-Apr-2010, 4:47 PM
very long time. Two transmission and receptiital and analog television signtransmitted and receihe clock' so to al plane , the television signal rotates , around and around to the right , when looked at from the back of the transmittin a clock , however much faster. Theeception is a stline element receiving antenna can be turned to find a place in the horizontal plane or vertical plane or Any Where In Between tantage is improves reception in metro ared long distance signals. You can test Any television transmitters by hoht metal elements antenna) antenna and rock wise. Here are two examples of a straight inline metal elements Tv receiving antenna ,the wth Ker Antenna , htlorKing.html (http://www.wineom[/URL] . . .And the t Cng ..[URL=" . . . . This is a list at rabbiterized television transmitters. [URL="http:fo/oddsandends.php?request=polarizationPolarization . . . . . The second onearized. The transmitted signal is a el , About0% is in theplane. Thisn metro areas , mountain loce signals. Thiears of Elllevision transmitters. [URL="http:/fo/oddsandends.php?request=itears.andends.php?request=polarization&type=E[/URL] <---the =E means Elliptical Polarization . . . . YES the tele atnr signal with less mrization. NotSA , most televization here in the USA.