View Full Version : Comments on Repack Toronto/Buffalo/ Hamilton?

2-Jul-2018, 12:24 AM

Any comments on the Toronto/ Buffalo/Hamilton Repack?

See this link:


My comments:

The Good

1) I'm excited about Fox (WUTV) real 14 moving to real 36. I've struggled to get this station as I get interference from Real 15 CHCH Hamilton. Although I may get some interference from the CKVR repeater (real35) it's behind me instead of direct line of site like CHCH. Plus the DB8E should get some better gain with the higher frequency.

The Bad

WNYB moving from 26 to 5. I enjoy watching some of the shows on sub channel "light tv" and the signal comes in strong on 26 but it probably won't come in at all on 5

WNYO moving from 49 to 16. I really enjoy the cheesy sci fi movies on this channel but right now it's a struggle to get a good signal and it's basically a " summer only" station for me. On 16 I'll most likely not be able to get it at all.


2-Jul-2018, 1:47 AM
This shows the changes by Phase number:

This gives the dates for the Phase number:

WNYB moving from 26 to 5. I enjoy watching some of the shows on sub channel "light tv" and the signal comes in strong on 26 but it probably won't come in at all on 5You would need an antenna for VHF-Low channel 5. You might be able to use a preamp for it if you use a low pass filter in front of the amp like the low section of a HLSJ to protect it from overload by your very strong local signals.

WNYO moving from 49 to 16. I really enjoy the cheesy sci fi movies on this channel but right now it's a struggle to get a good signal and it's basically a " summer only" station for me. On 16 I'll most likely not be able to get it at all.That will be very difficult; it will have adjacent channel interference from CHCH on 15, and to a lesser extent from CIII-41 on 17.

2-Jul-2018, 1:29 PM
What about all the fabulous programming on Canadian channels?
What will you watch when television becomes a streaming only

2-Jul-2018, 4:51 PM
"What about all the fabulous programming on Canadian channels?"

There doesn't seem to be any big changes on the Canadian side. CTV affiliate CFTO is moving from 9 to 8 and Global and the OMNI stations are moving from the 40s to the high teens. This shouldn't be a big deal since the CN tower is line of site for me and signals are plenty strong.

The Canadian programing isnt all bad. If you like PBS the Ontario version (TVO =TV Ontario) on channel 19 is pretty good with documentaries and similar programs . The OMNI channels have multicultural programs and I watch the Ukrainian shows . Star TV is a " pirate" station with some interesting local history shows.

"What will you watch when television becomes a streaming only

The big media companies in Canada would probably be more then happy to let OTA tv die but the CRTC won't let them.Personally I wish they'd make better use of the sub channels but they don't seem interested. Id try to market
OTA TV as a way to attract melenials to tv viewing ( free tv!) But they don't seem to interested in that either.

16-Apr-2019, 12:28 PM
I don't want to change the subject and get off topic yes, but I read the comment about how Canadian TV doesn't like to make use of the sub channels.

I'm here in the Chicago area. some of the big players only have one or two sub channels and some of them have up to eight I believe. Some stations share a real channel with another station and their two or three different sub channels.

I think OTA TV has doomed itself in a way by not having more interesting programming. I still don't see why you can't get some of the stuff that's only available on cable on the OTA side. Wouldn't it be nice to get the Science Channel or ESPN or Fox News, etc... over your antenna? It seems cable TV has more power than OTA as far as variety programming.

This summer I will finally cut the cable and with great happiness. When cable TV first came in my area around 1980, there were no commercials and it was cheap. Then after a year or two, the commercials started and the price started spiraling upwards, they suckered us in. By that time, people had forgotten about their antennas.

Unfortunately, there is a whole generation that has no idea you can get free TV and that's the way they want it. Now, those of us who've taken down their gigantic VHF Low antennas, may have to put one up again. I talked to at least one antenna company who says there will be no redesigns on their antennas. Okay sorry about that, I'll get off my soapbox.

I should have posted this elsewhere!

16-Apr-2019, 2:27 PM
Quite honestly you won't miss those channels as much as you might think now.

A lot of the OTA sub channels show re-runs from those cable only channels.

Which is why I cut the cable years ago, found all I was watching was re-runs of bad shows and paying out the nose for it.

When GOT is over, I'll drop HBO now and not miss it either.