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Old 19-Feb-2014, 1:45 AM   #45
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 34
Ok one lest question I hope lol. I have my Y10-7-13 up an running on a pole but I have to move it about 20 degrees in order to pick up PBS reliably and still keep CBS/CW. So I just purchased a Jointenna from channel master for channel 11 which is the channel my PBS comes on. So I'm wondering if I use that with a second Y10-7-13 using the jointenna, then connecting the jointenna to my RCA premap on the VHF side. As I understand it the jointenna only has dc passthrough on one side which might be a good think since CBS is so much stronger then PBS. The reason for wanting to connect them both to the preamp is I'm also using a clearstream 2 for my local ABC/FOX, it's working rather well at least 9-10 days. I considered a rotor but I just installed a tivo roamio and I would like all the antenna's in fixed positions to take advantage of all 4 tuners. If my "idea" is wrong on this can someone correct me on how to do this keeping in mind I would like to enjoy all my channels without reaming my antenna to do so.
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