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Old 28-Feb-2017, 5:12 PM   #7
Antennas Direct Tech Supp
Join Date: Jan 2010
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Interference into VHF channels, unless it's from FM radio stations, is almost always extremely LOCAL, usually within a 100 yards or so of the antenna. Usually, the source is either in your home, on your property, or is coming from a nearby home or property.

Trees have a far lesser effect on VHF frequencies than they do for UHF frequencies. I've yet to verify tree-induced reception failure for a VHF signal that should be of moderate strength. UHF signal impairment from trees, I see that all the time.

Be aware that a UHF antenna like the DB2 is NOT going to exhibit the same aiming characteristics on VHF as it does on UHF. It was never designed for VHF plus, depending on when the sample you checked was made may have a balun that causes unexpected results.

Really, you'd be much better off simply getting an antenna made for VHF rather than messing around with a UHF design and trying to figure out what's going on. You could simply go with the VHF retrofit kit for chasing VHF, just be aware that it was not designed for simply attachment to the legacy DB2 (wire grid spacing was different on the old models).

Get the RIGHT antenna, go from there. Ignore the testing from the wrong antenna.
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