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Old 7-Dec-2011, 6:29 PM   #12
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@ ADTech, This reminds me of a similar reaction by broadcast customers when I worked for a Telco in the 1980's. Until then, we had provided broadcast quality circuits to television stations and networks using microwave and toll-grade copper cable. As fiber-optic technology arrived in the field, we often heard the customer request a 'fiber link'. (After all, newer is always better. Right?) The tariffs defined the performance requirements of the circuit, but not the technology used to provide the service.

The Grass Valley brand single channel fiber hardware used analog modulation of an FM carrier. The laser light source was switched on and off at the frequency of the FM carrier. Even when short-hall analog facilities on copper or microwave had better frequency response, lower noise and lower distortion, some customers would insist on fiber, thinking it was digital.

As you say, "the customer is always right"... no matter how wrong they are.
If the well is dry and you don't see rain on the horizon, you'll need to dig the hole deeper. (If the antenna can't get the job done, an amp won't fix it.)

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