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Old 11-Apr-2013, 9:15 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by topaz_n29 View Post
we are about 13 kil. west of that junction..impossible to build a tower.(we are pensioners)..we don't have any tall buildings.whatsoever..

it is on the roof..

it's only in warmer weather our channels are limited..and during the day..early evening..
early morning..late night more channels..but the main thing is that it is colder in the morning and night of then we do get more channels..other than argue with God do we rectify the cold/warm situation??..thx..Gail
Given the fact that the terrain is fairly flat, one can assume that even if your report is off a few Kilometers, it still provides a fair idea of the signal conditions you are dealing with.

The ideal solution from a technical point of view would be to increase the mounting height of the antenna. The higher you go, the more signal will be available for an antenna to intercept. You also may be able to avoid the signal robbing effects caused by trees and other obstructions. The next best option would be to use the largest available antenna(s) (if you are not already doing so). An example would be an Antennas Direct 91XG (to receive the real channels 14 and up) and an Antennacraft Y10713 (to receive real channels in the range of 7 through 13). Another example would be a Winegard HD7698P which is designed to receive real channels 7 and higher.

Do you know the make and model of your existing antenna?
If the well is dry and you don't see rain on the horizon, you'll need to dig the hole deeper. (If the antenna can't get the job done, an amp won't fix it.)

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